Types of Events

Speakers and Conferences

Speakers and Conferences

With auditorium seating of 464, Bertha Frank Performing Arts Center provides an intimate setting for business presentations and conference meetings.  Presenters have the latest technology available to them for their …
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Dance Competitions

Dance Competitions

Bertha Frank Performing Arts Center houses one of the best sound systems in the area.  Performers appreicate the above-stage monitors that allow music to be heard clearly as they move …
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Performing Groups

Performing Groups

Looking for an intimate setting to host your next music concert?  Look no further!  Bertha Frank Performing Arts Center is a fully equipped performance arts venue with the latest audio …
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Piano Recitals

Piano Recitals

Featuring an 88-key Steinway grand piano, Bertha Frank Performing Arts Center is the perfect location to host the next piano recital for your students!
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Award Banquets

Award Banquets

Need to honor someone special?  Looking for an intmate space where everyone feels a part of the celebration?  Bertha Frank Performing Arts Center is the best place to host an …
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Looking to break away from the traditional wedding location?  Why not host your wedding in a comfortable auditroium!  Bertha Frank Performing Arts Center comes complete with full audio and visual …
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Get In Touch

Telephone   309.263.4085      Email   [email protected]