Annie Moses Band hosted by Morton Fine Arts Association


7:00 PM | 7:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Bertha Frank Performing Arts Center

For tickets, visit

The Annie Moses Band has been inspiring and entertaining audiences for over a decade, bringing their distinctive style of music across the nation and around the world.  A captivating blend of folk and classical, the Annie Moses Band is a talented ensemble of songwriters, singers, and musicians, combining technical skill with exhilarating showmanship. 

The Band's innovative sound has delighted audiences around the world - in record breaking numbers of airings on PBS and on stages as diverse as Carnegie Hall and the Grand Ole Opry.  The members of the Band are also family.  Veteran composer, Bill Wolaver, weaves musical styles together into cinematic arrangements while the virtuosic siblings bring Juilliard-honed chops to Nashville-styled music-making.  

The Annie Moses Band combines the best of beloved genres in a style that unifies audiences, young and old, classical connoisseurs and roots enthusiasts, jazz aficionados and bluegrass buffs.  This is outstanding music.

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